
The most recent version of the package OperatorGB is available at the website of Clemens Hofstadler.

The Mathematica package OperatorGB for certifying operator identities via noncommutative Gröbner bases and compatibility checks together with the examples of the extended abstract

C. Hofstadler, C.G. Raab, G. Regensburger, Certifying operator identities via noncommutative Gröbner bases, ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 53 (2019) 49-52. Software presentation at ISSAC 2019. DOI | pdf

is available here.

An implementation of the package OperatorGB in the open-source mathematics software system SageMath is available here.

Both packages are developed by Clemens Hofstadler.


A self-contained introduction to noncommutative Gröbner bases and the algorithms implemented in the package OperatorGB can be found in

C. Hofstadler, Certifying operator identities and ideal membership of noncommutative polynomials, Master’s Thesis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2020. pdf


The example Mathematica notebook including the corresponding version of the package for the paper

(with C. Chenavier, C. Hofstadler, C.G. Raab) Compatible rewriting of noncommutative polynomials for proving operator identities, Proceedings of ISSAC 2020 (ed. A. Mantzaflaris), pp. 83–90, 2020. DOI | arXiv.

is available here.


The Mathematica notebooks including the corresponding version of the package for the paper

D.S. Cvetković-Ilić, C. Hofstadler, J. Hossein Poor, J. Milošević, C.G. Raab, G. Regensburger, Algebraic proof methods for identities of matrices and operators: improvements of Hartwig’s triple reverse order law, 2020, submitted,

is available here.