
The Mathematica package TenReS for computing with tensor reduction systems together with the examples of the paper

J. Hossein Poor, C.G. Raab, G. Regensburger, Algorithmic operator algebras via normal forms in tensor rings, Journal of Symbolic Computation 85 (2018) pp. 247-274 pdf | DOI

is available here.

The package is developed by Clemens Raab.


The package with the confluence proof of Theorem A.5. in the paper

C.G. Raab, G. Regensburger, The fundamental theorem of calculus in differential rings, 2023, submitted,

is available as Mathematica notebook (nb) and as PDF (PDF).


The package with the examples of the paper

J. Hossein Poor, C.G. Raab, G. Regensburger, Algorithmic operator algebras via normal forms for tensors, Proceedings of ISSAC 2016, (ed. M. Rosenkranz), New York, ACM, pp. 397-404, 2016 pdf | DOI

is available here.


The computations for the examples and proofs in the PhD thesis

J. Hossein Poor, Tensor reduction systems for rings of linear operators, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 2018 pdf

are available as Mathematica notebooks together with the package (ZIP) and as PDFs (ZIP).