Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators Session

ACA 2023

Warsaw, Poland, July 17-21, 2023


Moulay Barkatou (University of Limoges, XLIM DMI, Limoges, France)
Thomas Cluzeau (University of Limoges, CNRS, XLIM DMI, Limoges, France)
Clemens Raab (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Georg Regensburger (University of Kassel, Germany)


The algebraic/symbolic treatment of differential equations is a flourishing field, branching out in a variety of subfields committed to different approaches. In this session, we want to give special emphasis to the operator perspective of both the underlying differential operators and various associated integral operators.

In particular, we invite contributions in line with the following topics:

  • Symbolic Computation for Operator Algebras
  • Factorization of Differential/Integral Operators
  • Linear Boundary Problems and Green’s Operators
  • Initial Value Problems for Differential Equations
  • Symbolic Integration and Differential Galois Theory
  • Symbolic Operator Calculi
  • Algorithmic D-Module Theory
  • Rota-Baxter Algebra
  • Differential Algebra
  • Discrete Analogs of the above
  • Software Aspects of the above

If you are interested in joining the session, please contact us.

Previous ACA sessions were held at

Hagenberg 2008, Montréal 2009, Vlora 2010, Houston 2011,
Sofia 2012
, Malaga 2013, New York 2014, Kalamata 2015,
Kassel 2016
, Santiago de Compostela 2018, Montréal 2019, ONLINE 2021.

We have published an MCS Special Issue based on the 2008-10 sessions and a Springer LNCS Postproceedings Volume based on the 2011-12 sessions.

We have co-edited a Special Issue with Alexey Ovchinnikov on Computational Aspects of Differential/Difference Algebra and Integral Operators for the journal Advances in Applied Mathematics based on ACA 2014 and 15.


Speakers and abstracts


Mohamed Barakat (online)
Doctrine specific ur-algorithms

Vladimir Bavula (online)
The most general theory of one-sided fractions

Manfred Buchacher
The Newton-Puiseux algorithm and effective algebraic series

Shaoshi Chen (online)
Hypergeometric Creative Telescoping

Cyrille Chenavier
Computation of Koszul homology and application to involutivity of partial differential systems

Alexei Cheviakov (online)
Approximate symmetries and conservation laws and their applications to PDEs

Sette Diop
A differential algebraic approach of systems theory

Li Guo (online) cancelled
Crossed homomorphisms and Cartier-Kostant-Milnor-Moore theorem for difference Hopf algebras

Clemens Hofstadler
A semi-decision procedure for proving operator statements

Antonio Jiménez-Pastor
Difference-differential polynomials in SageMath

Viktor Levandovskyy
On an interplay of computer algebra and ring theory

Alexander Levin
New dimension polynomials and invariants of inversive difference-differential field extensions

Camille Pinto
Towards an effective integro-differential elimination theory

Sebastian Posur (online)
An abelian ambient category for behaviors in algebraic systems theory

Franz Winkler
Symbolic solution of differential equations

Yi Zhang
Rational solutions of first-order algebraic ordinary difference equations